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Thermo Fisher SimpliAmp Thermal Cycler For Laboratory use

Thermo Fisher SimpliAmp Thermal Cycler For Laboratory use

  • Brand Thermo Fisher
    Model Name/Number SimpliAmp
    Sample Capacity/Format 96 wells
    Volume Thermal Block Sample 0.2 mL
    Country of Origin Made in India
    Temperature Range 0-100.0 Deg C
    Block Format 96 well,0.2 mL
    Data Connectivity Cloud or mobile via Ethernet or WiFi
    List No. r
    Minimum Order Quantity 1

    Product Description


    Brand Thermo Fisher
    Temperature Range 0-100.0 Deg C
    Block Format 96 well, 0.2 mL
    Data Connectivity Cloud or mobile via Ethernet or WiFi
    PCR Volume Range 10-100 Micro L Volume
    For Use With 2720 Thermal Cycler, GeneAmp 2700, GeneAmp 9700, Veriti Thermal Cycler
    High Throughput Compatibility Not High Throughput-Compatible (Manual)

    The SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler is a small, easy-to-use, and accurate thermal cycler that suits any lab's needs for everyday PCR. It is crafted with the reliable engineering and performance you’ve come to expect from Applied Biosystem® instruments. It is elegantly designed to deliver quiet cycling and features an innovative, safe heated lid and a large LCD color touch screen.

    Key Features and Benefits:

    • VeriFlex™ blocks to optimize PCR temperature with precision—the VeriFlex™ blocks provide 3 independent temperature zones, for precise temperature control over your PCR optimization.
    • 8-inch color touch screen to help save time—the large and responsive color touch screen simplifies instrument operations with an easy to read interface.
    • WiFi-enabled for remote monitoring—conveniently monitor your instrument from anywhere with our free PCR Essentials mobile app.
    • Simple lid design to protect your sample—the innovative heated lid is easy to use and designed to help protect your samples. When open, it is in an upright position for easy handle access. Pull the handle forward to close the lid with ease. The heated lid will open automatically if not closed properly, to help safeguard your precious sample.
    • Ready to use the USB drive to easily back up your data—simply plug in a USB drive and follow the on-screen prompts to back up your data simply and effortlessly.
    • Thermal simulation modes to replicate other PCR experiments—a library of simulation modes are available so that you may run an experiment using the same ramp rates as with a previous or different instrument.
  • List number: - R

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