आम्ही आमच्या संख्येचा अभिमान बाळगतो
व्यवसायाचा अनेक वर्षांचा अनुभव
तंत्रज्ञान आम्ही
सेवा आम्ही
साठी उद्योग पुरस्कार व्यवसाय उत्कृष्टता
Cost Effective
“A cost-effective approach can also help to minimize waste and maximize the use of resources. A cost-effective approach can help to reduce the overall cost.”

Where We Stand

Excellent Quality Control System

Excellent Management Team

Excellent Customer Support
“We believe in customer first policy.Our high-quality products are constantly evolving. We are committed to our customer service.”
Customer Satisfaction
“With customer- first policy, Customer satisfaction has increased the levels of customer loyalty. We make sure that our customers are happiest.”
On Time Delivery
We understand the precious value of time for everyone and thus, we deliver our products on time. It helps to build and maintain customer loyalty, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce costs.
Strong Network
We have 80% faster logistics network. We have a network of more than 5000 plus professionals with 90% employee engagement rate.
Team Support
“Professional team support helps teams deliver quality products and services to patients and customers by providing quality control assistance, troubleshooting expertise, and educational resources.”

Our Achievements

Our Vision
Our vision is to become the leading provider of healthcare equipment in the world. Being a responsible organization is what makes a difference. Our mission and values are to help people live happy & healthy.
Our vision is to become the leading healthcare company for medical devices products and services, to become scientific enterprises that strengthen Make in India, which bridge the paradigm of affordable excellence.
Our company’s ultimate goal is to provide the best possible products and services to our customers and to make a positive difference in the lives of our employees, their families, and our community.
We are committed to environmental stewardship and social responsibility

As a leader and innovator, Inorbvict Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd. has had an illustrious past. Our future holds the promise of even more remarkable achievements, provided we remain forward-looking, performance-oriented, and agile. Our main goal is to use our in-depth and profound knowledge of the market to ensure a fair deal for our clients. Inorbvict promises to provide personalized service, on-schedule deliveries, and reliable quality at competitive prices at all times through our expertise while making it a working pleasure for our staff, promoters, and our customers.
Mr Rajesh Meshram

कोटसाठी विनंती करा
संपर्कात रहाण्यासाठी
ईमेल -
संपर्क क्रमांक :
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पत्ता :
इनऑर्बविक्ट हेल्थकेअर इंडिया प्रा. लि. कार्यालय क्रमांक 311, तिसरा मजला, Xion मॉल, अंगण मॅरियट जवळ, हिंजवडी, पुणे, महाराष्ट्र - 411057 भारत