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Thermofisher Ion S5 XL DNA Sequencing System

Thermofisher Ion S5 XL DNA Sequencing System

  • The Ion S5™ XL next-generation sequencing system enables a simple targeted sequencing workflow for your lab with reliable performance and industry-leading speed. The Ion S5 XL System leverages the speed of semiconductor sequencing with impressive computing power found both on-board and in the included Torrent Server, to produce high quality sequencing data in as little as 2.5 hours and enable you to go from DNA library to data in as little as 24 hours with only 45 minutes of total hands-on time on the Ion Chef™ System and the Ion S5 XL System. The Ion S5 XL System is simple to use with cartridge-based reagents and offers superior scalability and flexibility to support a broad range of high throughput sequencing applications, from microbial genomes and gene panels to exomes and transcriptomes, using our 5 Series chips.

    Some research decisions can’t wait. A few hours could make all the difference in your quest for the right answer.With other light-based sequencers you could wait almost 60 hours for results. With the Ion S5 XL System you get results in as little as 24 hours (with a 2.5-4 hour sequencer run time and overnight Ion Chef System run)—the fastest turnaround of any next-generation sequencer currently on the market.

    With single-day installation, a straightforward user interface, and cartridge-loaded reagents, the Ion S5 XL System is easy to use. Beyond this, the system is part of a workflow that allows you to go from DNA to data with only 45 minutes of total hands-on time on the Ion Chef System and the Ion S5 XL System, significantly less than other targeted sequencing solutions that require as much as 2.5 hours of hands-on time. Combined with Ion AmpliSeq™ technology for target selection, the Ion Chef™ System for automated library and template preparation, and Ion Reporter™ Software for automated variant annotation, targeted sequencing becomes simpler than ever.

    Why buy multiple systems for your lab when you can run all your targeted sequencing or microbial research applications on a single next-generation sequencer? The Ion S5 XL System has a modular build, so your lab has the flexibility to do multiple targeted sequencing applications on a single system.

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