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Refurbished Ge Healthcare Brivo Ct325 CT Scan Machine

Refurbished Ge Healthcare Brivo Ct325 CT Scan Machine

  • Brand GE
    Model Name/Number CT325
    Machine Condition Refurbished
    Machine Type Open
    Magnet Type Permanent
    Bore Size 60 cm
    Max. Amplitude 45 mT/m
    Max. Slew Rate 120 T/m/s


    • Improving the quality of healthcare around the world isa goal we all share.
    • But this can be a daunting challenge,with patients that may be spread across vast remote orrural regions.
    • Enter the Brivo(TM) CT325 - part of the GE healthymagination initiative to make high-quality CT accessible and cost effective.


    • With its ultra-compact design, the Brivo CT325 fits easily into just about anywhere, including even the most confined operator or scan room.
    • Boasting one of the smallest footprints in the market, this space-saving system allows you to fit more productivity into a smaller room.
    • This small, easy-to-use system also helps you fit in more patients.
    • By reducing the number of steps needed to position and release the patient, the table design helps streamline CT exam workflow and increase throughput.
    • The Brivo CT325 delivers the speed, power, and resolution required for all types of routine CT applications. The reliability,high image quality, and effective productivity you need in a small compact design.
    • Capable. Attainable. Reliable. Easy to use. The Brivo CT325 is the type of system that can make a world of difference.Today and into the future.

    Brivo CT325 features:

    • Volume Analysis allows you to manage 3D and 2D imaging in real time.
  • List number: - R

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    meaning of list number: - “r” means refurbished, “po” means preowned, “u” means used, “t” means trading, “m” means own manufactured, “ad” means authorised dealer of original equipment manufacturer.

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부인 성명   달리 명시되지 않는 한 이 "웹사이트"의 콘텐츠는 해당 소유자의 재산입니다. 그러나 이 "웹사이트"에 나열된 제품과 관련된 상표, 서비스 마크 및/또는 로고["마크"라고 함]는 해당 소유자의 재산이며 나열된 목적 제품에 대해 표시되는 경우에만 해당합니다. 해당 제품의 식별. 달리 명시되지 않는 한, 당사는 상표 소유자와의 연관성을 주장하지 않습니다.
목록 번호의 의미: - "R"은 리퍼브 제품을 의미하고, "PO"는 중고를 의미하고, "U"는 중고를 의미하고, "T"는 거래를 의미하고, "M"은 자체 제조를 의미하고, "AD"는 원래 장비 제조의 공인 대리점을 의미합니다.
Inorbvict Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd.는 상인, 리셀러, 리퍼비셔 전용입니다.
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INORBVICT 의료 인도 PVT. 주식회사 사무실 번호 311, 3층, 시온 몰, 안뜰 근처 Marriott, Hinjawadi, Pune, Maharashtra-411012


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+91 97663 07660

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