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Uv-Vis Spectrophotometer For Hospital Use

Uv-Vis Spectrophotometer For Hospital Use

  • Brand PerkinElmer
    Model No / Item Code Lambda 850+
    Wavelength Accuracy +- 0.5 nm
    Wavelength Repeatability +- 0.2 nm
    Usage / Application Laboratory Use
    Material Stainless steel
    List No. r


    Choose the LAMBDA 850+ for ultra-high UV/Vis performance for wavelengths between 175 nm and 900 nm, for applications such as sun protection, reflectance properties of flat panel display screens, paint films, transmission and reflectance characterization of glass and solar cells.

    The LAMBDA 850+ offers unmatched flexibility by providing you the choice to configure systems to suit your needs. From selection of detectors to accessories that provide the most convenient and flexible approach to sampling, the Lambda 850+ is UV/Vis Spectrophotometer is designed for maximum versatility, optimal performance and value:

    • Universal Reflectance Accessory – Remove the standard detector and snap in this innovative accessory for automatically measuring sample angles
    • Total Absolute Measurement System - The Total Absolute Measurement System (TAMS) provides the highest degree of flexibility and accuracy in measuring specular, as well as diffuse transmission, and reflectance capabilities, with upgradeable detector configuration
    • General-Purpose Optical Bench – Swap in our GPOB to accommodate larger samples such as lenses, beamsplitters and optics
    • Snap-in integrating spheres to capture diffuse and specular reflectance. Available in 100 and 150 mm, with 8° reflectance and center mount capability
    • Dual sampling compartments offer more options and unmatched sample compartment size 
    • Wide range of sampling modules requiring only seconds to change
    21 CFR Part 11 Compatible Yes
    Height 30.0 cm
    Interface Tungsten-halogen and Deuterium
    Maximum Temperature 35 °C
    Minimum Temperature 15 °C
    Model Name LAMBDA 850
    Operating Range 175 - 900 nm
    Portable No
    Product Brand Name LAMBDA
    Research Areas Food & Agriculture
    Warranty 1 year
    Weight 77.0 kg
    Width 102.0 cm
  • List number: - R

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