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Spectro 306MM Spectro Scout XRF Spectrometer

Spectro 306MM Spectro Scout XRF Spectrometer

  • Brand Spectro Ametek
    Model Name/Number Scout
    Wavelength accuracy +- 0.5 nm
    Wavelength Repeatability +- 0.2 nm
    Sensitivity superior accuracy
    Usage/ Application Laboratory use
    List No. r


    Product Type Spectroscout XRF Spectrometers
    Detector Si-PIN
    Excitation X-ray tube,rhodium (Rh) anode,50 kV max.
    Height Transport position 270 mm (10.7 in),Operation position 350 mm (13.8 in)
    Width 306 mm (12.1 in)
    Depth 306 mm (12.1 in)
    Weight 11 kg (24.251 lb) excluding battery pack,11.75 kg (25.904 lb) including battery pack
    Power Supply Operating voltage 10-30 V DC,Integrated 4+ hours Li- ion battery pack
    Hardware Integrated PC with touchscreen Bluetooth,wireless LAN,USB interfaces,LAN Video camera
    Software XRF Analyzer Pro iCAL (Intelligent Calibration Logic)
    Accessories Charger,AC adapter (battery included in the instrument) Consumables

    Product DescriptionSPECTROSCOUT – The portable, energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectrometers that bring lab-grade analysis into the field or onto the production floor

    • Light weight and portable elemental analyzer for precious metal alloys; spot size is only 1 mm
    • Fast and on-site: Elemental analysis of rock, sediment and soil. Element range starting from Na, detection limits for relevant trace elements significantly lower compared to other portable and handheld XRF instruments.
    • At the production line: High productivity with application specific packages. Small footprint with high analytical power.

    The new portable SPECTROSCOUT ED-XRF analyzers deliver much of the analytical power of top-grade laboratory benchtop analyzers. They provide fast, dependable, truly lab-quality results in the field or on the production floor – all at a surprisingly low cost. The SPECTROSCOUT analyzers provide exceptional performance, at wide concentration levels, for all of the relevant elements in the range of Na-U. SPECTROSCOUT impresses with unprecedented precision and speed making it the ideal portable XRF for onsite applications where results matter.

    Available in two versions for field & offsite testing or laboratory & at-line testing, these new, portable spectrometers provide exceptional performance.  Visit the SPECTROSCOUT Resource Center for more details and application examples.

  • List number: - R

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