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Bruker Ftir Microscope Spectrometer

Bruker Ftir Microscope Spectrometer

  • Brand Bruker
    Model Name/Number FTIR,Lumos II
    Wavelength accuracy +- 0.5 nm
    Wavelength Repeatability +- 0.2 nm
    Photometric Accuracy +- 0.3% T
    Photometric Repeatability +- 0.3% T
    Usage/ Application For Hospital Use
    List No. r


    Product DescriptionBruker is working hard to make advanced techniques more accessible to users of any skill level. The LUMOS II FTIR microscope keeps following that creed. Its hardware, software and user interface were built around the idea, that even beginners should obtain exceptional results in a minimum amount of time. The motivation behind this is obvious: in order to benefit from its universal applicability, the user must first be empowered to take advantage of FTIR imaging and microscopy. 

    This is the philosophy of the LUMOS and as a result Bruker made micro FTIR faster, better, and most importantly even simpler.

    Outstanding FPA imaging performance High-definition spectroscopic and visual data Ultrafast data acquisition in mapping and FPA imaging mode:   rapidly cover large sample areas FTIR imaging in ATR, transmission and reflection mode Peak sensitivity without the need for liquid nitrogen! Software guided measurements support beginners and   experts alike Large working distance and easy access to the sample       stage: conveniently handle bulky samples of up to 40 mm     thickness Large field of view and brilliant visual quality: Never miss    regions of interest! All hardware is completely motorized and software controlled Fully automated measurements in transmission, reflection and ATR Full compliance to pharma regulations such ascGMP/GLP, USP, ChP, JP, Ph. Eur. and 21 CFR p11 Automated OQ/PQ/pharmacopeia tests and Perma Sure+ always guarantee reliable performance

  • List number: - R

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Inorbvict Healthcare India الجندي. المحدودة هي تاجر ، موزع ، مُجدِّد فقط.

INORBVICT HEALTHCARE INDIA PVT. المحدودة. مكتب رقم 311 ، الطابق الثالث ، شيون مول ، بالقرب من كورتيارد ماريوت ، هينجاوادي ، بونا ، ماهاراشترا -411012


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